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Enhanced Credit Reports

Save up to 30% on risk-
related costs with
comprehensive, ML-
driven risk scorecards.

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Examine credit decisions with assurance and intelligence

Examine credit decisions with assurance and intelligence ECRs leverage Machine Learning models to analyze the latest data fetched from authenticated sources in near real-time, enabling you to know the deepest insights about the health of a business. . 

With a strong rationale for risk analysis based on 45+ parameters, you get an all-encompassing, one-of-its-kind credit risk report.

Make ‘go vs. no-go’ decisions easier


Get complete visibility with comprehensive coverage of traditional and alternative data points about a business. Our ML-driven scorecards make it easy for you to distill insights. You can also get customized solutions integrated with your existing system.

Reduce time and

invested in gathering and
analyzing data

A standardized insights-
driven approach

to risk decisioning

Review your party of

with a turbocharged due diligence

Don’t take our word for it!


Don’t take our word for it!


Some of India’s largest commercial lenders are using Enhanced Credit Reports to assess the risk of their borrowers.

Get expert insights irrespective of the sector or size of a business


Eliminate Human Bias & Errors

Benefit from a machine learning analysis that combines human intelligence

Fully Customizable Offerings

Get personalized or extended risk signals that are both customizable and scalable

Optimize Costs and Processes

Optimize resource utilization by leveraging an AI/ML-driven platform

Integrate with Existing Systems

Use APIs to instantly integrate with your existing systems

Evidence-based Reporting and Presentation

Standardize data into categories with easy accessibility

Best-in-Class Credit Risk Analysis Scorecard

Leverage indispensable risk analysis with unmatched coverage and features

Our latest insights


Unlock the #PowerToBe

Supercharge your lending operations using our state-of-the-art predictive models and data analytics. Trust, know, and grow with confidence.

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