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Helping India in our fight against COVID-19
Our country is going through one of the worst crises known in the recent past. Even in these unprecedented times, there have been reports of bad actors trying to pocket money by making false promises and trying to pose as legitimate service providers. In our efforts to curb disinformation, we have put our AI/ML technology tools to the task of verifying suppliers/service provider information.
Verify by the Name
of the Supplier
Enter the name of the supplier claiming to offer a service, it could be a hospital, a pharmacy, a restaurant, an oxygen supplier, or an oxygen cylinder manufacturer and validate it’s existence. For the given input the platform will immediately give you the probability that the business is known to exist.
Verify by Phone Number
Enter the phone number of the supplier and verify the validity of the provided number. Get real time information about if the supplier is still servicing requests or not.
How Does Crediwatch Do This?
Crediwatch achieves this by sourcing publicly available data which is then clubbed with our proprietary data about the business to provide the probability of the business being legitimate. We have built open API’s so that other developers are also able to leverage this information in whichever other endeavour they may partake in the service of our countrymen.
About Crediwatch
Crediwatch is a digital trust platform that business leaders rely on for actionable intelligence and predictive analytics on the overall health of businesses. Crediwatch does this with no human intervention by deploying the latest practical Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology tools that provide the most reliable comprehensive real time inputs possible.
Supporting Partner
Exotel is a cloud telephony platform that powers communication for enterprises, startups and small and medium enterprises in India and Southeast Asia.